Meet chiropractic, one of the most widely practiced natural treatment methods worldwide.
Chiropractic treatment involves a diverse array of manual techniques designed to precisely manipulate specific areas of the body. These techniques aim to improve joint functionality, alleviate pain, and reduce muscle spasms, ultimately restoring the body to a state of equilibrium.
Causes and symptoms:
what conditions can chiropractic treat?
- Neck pain
- Whiplash injuries
- Headaches
- Temporomandibular (mouth) joint disorders
- Impaired balance, dizziness, vertigo, nausea, and vomiting
- Low-back pain, sciatica nerve pain
- Herniated disk, lumbago
- Tennis or golfer’s elbow
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Scoliosis
- Joint pain
- Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue
- Sports-related conditions and traumas: sprains, contact injuries, tendonitis…
- Pregnancy-related issues
- Infant disorders (e.g. colic)
- Pelvic disorders: dysmenorrhea, constipation…
- Stress, anxiety, and sleeping disorders.
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The chiropractic journey: from anamnesis to maintenance
Anamnesis and physical examination
The first consultation takes approximately 45 minutes. During this time, the chiropractor listens to the patient, observes them, and conducts indirect examinations to comprehend the underlying causes of their reported issues.
In the anamnesis stage, the chiropractor meticulously gathers information about the patient’s health status, often reviewing possible orthopedic, neurological, and radiographic medical reports. On the other hand, the physical examination allows for the evaluation of posture and joint mobility, laying the groundwork for the initial treatment, which occurs as part of the first consultation.
Intensive, rehabilitation, and maintenance treatments
Following the initial consultation, the chiropractor schedules a follow-up appointment to introduce the patient to the treatment cycle. Subsequent sessions, each lasting approximately 10 minutes, are initially scheduled at shorter intervals and then gradually spaced further apart in order to effectively address the identified issues and ultimately provide the patient with a greater autonomy.
Therapy: three stages towards wellness
Initial intensive
During this stage, patients undergo frequent sessions aimed at effectively addressing their specific health concerns. The frequency of treatments may vary from person to person based on their individual initial health status.
During this stage, the sessions are scheduled further apart and the chiropractor may recommend integrating therapy with other practices such as physical exercise. Interrupting therapy at this stage may lead to relapse.
At this stage, appointments become less frequent but it’s still important to maintain a certain regularity in order to swiftly intervene on any developing issues before they escalate.